Friday, March 27, 2009


You have previously appeared on lovecircle. I think most of us agree that you are one of the smartest people in our class. You are in all the hard courses like Chem, Physics, Lit. And you took Math 12 and Calculus when you were in grade 11. But then it doesn't look like you've been trying. You seem to know about everything, are you really a genius? As a friend, you are chill. You can basically hang out with everyone in our class. That's pretty impressive. Oh and your piano skills, I heard you have students for piano. I wish I know how to play piano like you do. Hmm..There is something going on between you and Round 4 recently, right? : ) Anyway, thanks for being with us. Hope you have a great future.

XOXOXO lots of love,
the circle of love

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